Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Forgiving Part I

A text I used to read as part of puja back in my polytechnic days.

If this day or in the past, others have done me wrong through body, speech or mind, whether greatly or only little, whether with malice or lack of tact, here before the Buddha, I sincerely forgive them and let go of all my grudge.

I forgive, remembering how often I too have been at fault.

I forgive, realizing how quick I am to take offence, while expecting my faults to be forgiven.

I forgive, knowing that to hold ill-will is to cause myself greater harm than others can do to me.

I forgive, resolving not to speak about this wrong to any other beings.

I forgive, knowing that desire for revenge only brings the heart turmoil and agitation.

I forgive because this is the way love and detachment blossom in the heart.

I forgive, knowing that like me, that person is still burning with greed, hatred and delusion,

           May my forgiving now help me to forgive again tomorrow.

           May my forgiving encourage others to forgive me.

           May my forgiving foster detachment and kindness and help in the freeing of the heart.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

A dreamling's goals

I've come to know of something called dreamlining. Its somewhat like a different take to new year resolutions and goal setting.

Lets try this then:

1. a noble friend
2. more skillful in every endevour
3. more aware of own undesirable habits
4. an adherent of the four sublime states
5. contented with what is needed

1. more mindfulness
2. a suitable livelihood
3. time for the cultivation of heart-mind
4. time for friends and family
5. time to study and understand the world

1. meditation and applying it
2. helping mom
3. helping dad
4. learning formally and informally
5. travel

lets see if thats all i need.